Sample EMAIL to Coach 2023

SAMPLE EMAIL FOR YOU TO UPDATE & SEND TO EVENT STAFF/A.DIRECTOR/COACHES DELETE ALL THIS BEFORE YOU SEND Bold highlighted areas need to be REPLACED for each game/series. Use single or DH BUT ERASE THE ONE YOU DON’T USE Email Subject Line: (School Name) Softball Game/Series on (Date/Dates) Event Manager/Coach, (USE THIS FOR SERIES/DOUBLE HEADER) This is (Crew Chief Name/Plate Umpire)

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Team Tendencies

At the higher levels of all sports the opponents have thoroughly scouted each other and know what to expect when they compete. Do you think it might be helpful, as an umpire, to know something about the teams who are competing? There is a recent trend by umpires at the higher levels to start “scouting” the teams. It is now

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Mental Preparation – Should ‘of, Could ‘of, Would ‘of

By Glenn Waggoner. In any sport the theme for umpires is the physical and mental preparation for each contest. We are often reminded that the athletes are stronger, faster and more agile. So we know that getting in shape with some form of activity will help us endure the challenges we will soon face. But how do we prepare ourselves

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Pre-game Procedures – start a week before game date

Contacting the Coaches and your Partner by email: A sample email is located on CCSUA Locker Room – Protocols Corner in this same Game Preparation section. The crew chief /plate umpire should check the Arbiter Schedule and home team Point of contact information to determine who the email should be sent to. (Coaches at Community College level, Event managers at

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Post-game Procedures

This article includes topics taken from the CCA Manual for Post-game The post-game starts before the game is over. • Create a checklist similar to your pre-game checklist. • Umpires should have as part of their accessories a small pad and pen to take notes during the game. This is as important as your indicator, brush, etc. • When taking

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