Notes from the Training Staff – July 2015

Many of our CCSUA umpires are attending Camps this summer and working high-level travel ball tournaments.  What are you doing to keep up with the fast-moving game of college softball?  Working a few rec league games every few weeks will not do it.

Whether you are working a lot of “summer ball”  or not, you should be reviewing the CCA Manual and Rule book.  There will be changes to them for 2016 but they are still good for review.  The Monthly Tests will start again in September!

Speaking of which…the 2016 and 2017 NCAA Softball Rules Changes and Common Practice Updates has been posted on the SUP websiteGo to the Locker Room Links section (bottom of the left panel of this page) for a direct link to this document.  Download the document to your computer and start studying the rule changes which will be in efffect for 2016-2017. 

A NEW BAT LIST EFFECTIVE JULY 13, 2015 HAS BEEN POSTED.  This list MUST be used for Fall Ball – no exceptions.  Over 140 bats have been deleted. They are mostly older models but some may show up during Fall Ball.  Do you want to be responsible and legally liable for a player injured by a non-approved bat being used in your game??