Notes from the Training Staff – November 2018


Our Fall Ball training cycle has wrapped up.  Thank you to the umpires who participated and the observers who did their usual great job of helping to improve our umpires and therefore the CCSUA.
As announced earlier, the dates for our 2019 CCSUA/Assignors meetings will be:
  • South: January 13, Cerritos College
  • North: January 19, site to be determined
Our 2019 CCSUA Preseason Camp is schedule for January 25 and 26.  More details will be posted soon.

Locker Room postings since last month’s News & Notes

Videos – Game management
Arguments – BR collision heated argument, Catcher argues throws ball, Coach eject HBP strike 3
General –Injured player suspension of play
Videos – Rules
Runner Interference/collisions – BR contacts F3
Retired Runner Interference
Sliding out of the baseline
Videos – Mechanics
Added new sub-categories: General Mechanics, Three-Umpire Specific
Moved some videos to these new sub-categories
Protocols Corner/Professionalism – Put a Bad Game in the Rear View Mirror, Someone Is Always Watching
Rules Corner/Runners – Interference by Retired Runner, Offensive Team or Loose Offensive Equipment

Time to start studying for the 2019 season

We will be using the same NCAA Softball Rules book for 2019. If you have not already started reviewing the Rule Book, now is a good time to start.  So far, we have had two postings from the SUP on new mechanics for 2019.  You will find them on our Locker Room – have you read them?  Go to the Mechanics Corner and you will find them at the top of the page.  We will send a notice when the 2019 CCA Manual is published.  SUP registration opens on December 1, 2018.  Do not forget to review these two articles on our Locker Room:
  • Tips for Studying the Rule Book
  • Tips for Studying the CCA Manual

The Training Staff is happy to answer your questions…however…

The Training Staff has been getting some inquiries by phone calls and texts.   When you have questions about rules or rule interpretations, mechanics, game management or protocols, please send an email to John Bennett.  This is so we have written documentation of the question and the reply.  Phone calls, voicemails and texts are not an efficient method for this type of inquiry.
You must cite the rule number, CCA Manual page number, or Locker Room article when asking the question.  This ensures that you have at least tried to find the answer yourself. This is also true for questions or comments for any content on the Locker Room.
We also require this method because we are hearing too much of “…we have been told or “…”but another observer said…” or “they said this at the Camp I went to.”  These statements are never an acceptable reply to any of the training staff, observers or mentors.  If you hear anything from anywhere which contradicts a rule, interpretation, mechanic, etc. please contact John and give the details – exactly where did you hear this, and who said it.  And cite the rule number or CCA Manual which covers this situation.
Thank you for your cooperation.