Notes from the Training Staff – September 2018

NCAA/SUP Umpire Institute

The NCAA/SUP Umpire Institute was held in early September.  Our SUP Regional Adviser, Jim Sanderson, attended as part of the instructional staff.  We will be posting some of the discussion items in our Locker Room soon.  Thanks, Jim, for your hard work and input.

NASO Member Protection Has Doubled

NASO insurance coverage has doubled, effective August 1, 2018.  Here is the link with more information.

NASO insurance coverage

Locker room additions

The Training Staff has been busy with new articles and postings to our Locker Room.  One of the key ingredients of  a college softball umpire’s professionalism is to be training and studying the game year-round.  Make sure you visit the Locker Room often to keep up with the most recent information.  Here is a list of the new postings.  Reminder – the new postings can always be found on the Member Dashboard page for easy access.  They are also put into their respective categories, as listed below:
Game Management/General section:
New article: Judicious Use of the Stop Sign (and link added to Non-verbal Communications to this article)
New article: Communications With Your Partners
Rules Corner:
New article in Pitching section – Clarification of Pitcher’s Pause (10.2.2)
New article in Batting section – Batter/Bat Hitting the Ball a Second Time
The article “Your uniform annual checkup” has been expanded and renamed “Umpire Uniform and Equipment.”  Make a note on your calendar in December to read this informative article and start preparing your uniform and equipment to be “TV ready” for the 2019 season.
Calendar events have been added for CCSUA and NCAA events.