Pitch-Related Infractions by Catcher and Fielders

There is more to the Pitching rule in the NCAA Rule Book than the pitcher’s actions before the pitch and while throwing the pitch. These are all well covered in the first sections of this rule. Also included in this rule are the regulations to which the defense must adhere as part of this whole process. These regulations are covered

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Substances on the Ball

There are two articles in the Locker Room, both in this section (Rules Corner/Pitching), which deal with the subjects found in rule 10.13 – Substance on the Ball/Items on the Pitcher. You should also read Items on the Pitcher. During the game Applying substances directly to the game balls during the game is prohibited. Although a few rule books use

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Items on Pitcher

There are two articles in the Locker Room, both in this section (Rules Corner/Pitching), which deal with the subjects found in rule 10.13 – Substance on the Ball/Items on the Pitcher. You should also read Substances on the Ball. Substance on pitcher’s hands or items on body Substances Drying agents, such as rosin, may be used on the pitcher’s hand/fingers.

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Pitching Rule Regulations

There is more to the pitching rule in the college rule book than the proper procedures to which the pitcher must adhere while preparing and delivering the pitch. Other regulations involving the ball, intentions of the defensive team, and time allowed between pitches. The Ball The pitcher shall have a choice of game balls at the start of their respective

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